Leadership and change communications

Goals are achieved faster when employees understand the strategy, and their own role in its implementation.

What we do

  • Communication support for strategy implementation and change processes, including development of plans and execution support (programme office)
  • Change messages and stories
  • Leadership positioning
  • Communication training of leaders
  • Analysis: Mapping of internal drivers and barriers in relation to change, measurement of leadership communications
  • Vision and value processes
  • Plans and strategies for internal communications


Hans Olav Otterlei


Successful transformation requires management to get employees on board with the rationale and implication of the changes. Communication is the most important tool management has to achieve this and is therefore an increasingly critical competency for all leaders.

Effective communication requires the use of all channels. However, the most important thing is that leaders at all levels are onboard and take their communication responsibilities seriously. Experience has shown that it is first and foremost the ability of leaders to create understanding, support and involvement that determines how quickly the desired change or improvement can be achieved.

Zynk's contribution is to make complex plans and strategies communicable, identify emotional and organisational drivers and barriers so that these can be addressed, develop plans, systems and processes for effective communication and - not least - enable leaders at all levels to communicate in an effective and trustworthy manner.

Our advisers help leaders to communicate direction and create commitment internally and trust externally, using a proprietary methodology. Many of our advisers have leadership experience themselves, but also experience as advisors to senior executives, board members and management teams.